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Being fascinated by the power of the brain has been with me since childhood.  It all started with my parents attending Tony Robbins seminars, which then segwayed to getting into physical wellness and having Tony as a client, to then moving onto brain science and the power of the mind.  I am constantly studying the brain to be as effective as I can when implementing change and educating people about how their brains work, and sometimes don't.   I find that understanding this helps make sense out of limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and exposes the truth behind behaviours and emotions.


 Through therapy, guided meditation and Brain Talks my goal is to help as many poeple as I can live happier and healthier lives.​​


This means different things to different people, for some it is a the ability to embrace change, motivation, shatter a glass ceiling, find themselves, overcome limiting beliefs, worry less or put themselves first in a healthy way. 

For others we could address trauma to overcome, phobias, blockages, ticks, PTSD, habits, anxiety, depression or discomfort of some kind. 


I find the mind not only fascinating but also very powerful, and when we harness it ,and reprogram it when applicable, it can be life altering.  We can make our lives better, we can powerfully change.


I have been in the health and wellness field in some capacity for most of my life.  I truly enjoy helping people live better lives.  Over the years I noticed that people naturally gravitated to me and spoke to me about things they had never told anyone or about something they wanted help with, without me asking them to - I was just being me. They would often say "I don't know why I am telling you this, but it feels right. I don't feel any judgement, you are very accepting."  One day I realised that it was my calling, so to speak, to not only help people physically but also mentally. It is my belief that being a therapist does not mean being perfect.  More importantly, it means you can genuinely connect and relate to people without judgement.

"The most important words you'll ever hear in your entire life

are the words you say to yourself."

Marisa Peer


©2022 by LindyThomson

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